Educational Synergies in the Digital Age through eTwinning Projects

For two years now, I have had the privilege of being part of the eTwinning community, an educational adventure that has beautifully transformed the way I teach and interact with my students. Initially, I approached eTwinning projects just out of curiosity, working in a vocational-technical institution as a foreign language teacher. I can now say with certainty that this experience has revolutionised my whole approach to teaching, opening new perspectives and opportunities that I did not previously think possible.

Technology has invaded our lives and accompanies us at every step. How can we help our students navigate safely and become conscious digital citizens? This was the question at the base of the two eTwinning projects that we implemented in the school year 2023-2024: Our Secure Digital Tracks and On the Line of Digital Wisdom. I have been impressed by the significant progress my students have made thanks to these innovative projects. Beyond improving their language skills, these projects have also focused on developing the digital skills needed to meet the challenges of an increasingly digitised future.

The first project, „Our Secure Digital Tracks”, was a fascinating collaboration in which we were a partner. The project brought together students and teachers from 8 countries to promote awareness of online security, digital rights, media literacy and cyber risks. The project included creative activities and discussions aimed at developing students’ critical thinking and digital skills. The importance of these topics is undeniable in today’s context, where young people spend a large part of their lives online and are often vulnerable to various digital dangers. I was deeply surprised by the level of engagement of the students and their eagerness to learn how to navigate the digital world safely.

Recognition of our efforts came in the form of the National Quality Label awarded by the eTwinning Moldova National Office. This recognition is not only a testament to our hard work, but also a confirmation of the positive impact we have had on students.

The second project, „On the Line of Digital Wisdom”, is an initiative that I am particularly proud of, as I had the role of co-founder. It has been an incredible experience to collaborate with other teachers from different corners of Europe, sharing our ideas and building together a project that explores online behaviour in the context of social networks. International collaboration has been a central aspect of this project, with my students having the opportunity to work alongside colleagues from Turkey, Romania, Italy, Portugal and Moldova. One important thing that I noticed during the activities, the enthusiasm of the students is directly linked to the attitude and involvement of the teacher.

Thus, as part of the „Social Media Detox” activity, we uninstalled social media applications together with the students for a period of 3 days and chose to spend the time practicing creative activities, such as painting in my case. I believe that the teacher, by his or her own example, motivates and inspires students to enthusiastically engage in activities, exploring new ideas and perspectives. This experience was not only an exercise in digital self-control, but also an opportunity to connect in a deeper and more authentic way.

An interesting aspect that I discovered during the implementation of these projects was that technical vocational students prefer short projects where the results are visible quickly. This keeps their interest and motivates them to get actively involved.

Participating in eTwinning projects has been an extremely valuable experience for both me and my students. We have been able to improve digital skills, promote responsible online behaviour, create a collaborative and creative learning environment and strengthen communication skills in English. Through these projects, we have contributed to the formation of a team of teenagers capable of navigating the digital world consciously and responsibly, ready to face the challenges and opportunities it offers.

For me, eTwinning is not only about projects, but also about a vibrant community of passionate teachers who share the same vision: modern education must be connected to the realities of the digital world. Every eTwinning project is a new adventure, a chance to discover new ways of teaching and to bring inspiring innovations into the classroom. We are proud of our achievements, until now, we got 12 NQLs for the second project, a sign to continue the path, because what we do matters and is appreciated.

Looking back on these two years, I am grateful for all the opportunities and all the lessons learned. eTwinning has become an indispensable part of my teaching career, giving me not only the tools but also the confidence to explore new educational horizons with my students. I look forward to new challenges and projects that will propel us further into the fascinating world of eTwinning synergies, where learning and digital discovery know no boundaries.


prof. Ina Barbalat

Instituția Publică Centrul de Excelență în Transporturi, Chișinău (Chişinău) , Republica Moldova
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