Motivational Implications in Students’ Self-assessment

Evaluation is the process by which useful information is obtained and provided, the course is clearly and transparently established: goals, objectives, evaluation tools, results, interpretation, communication, enabling further decisions to be taken. One of the methods of evaluation is self-assessment. The student needs to know himself, which has multiple motivational implications. He must have his own learning program, he must self-appreciate and value his own attitudes.

The task of the teacher is to prepare the students for self-assessment, to make them understand the criteria by which they appreciate their own activity. The information obtained from the self-assessment can be used to compare it with those of colleagues, to regularly present it to parents and to complete its portfolio.

Self-assessment can start from verbal self-assessment and self-notation supervised by the teacher. The student will develop his self-assessment skills in case the teacher demonstrates a benevolent attitude towards him and confidence in his forces, so it is important that the student can self-regulate his training activity. This includes: developing a critical attitude towards oneself and effectively organizing mental and practical activity.

By involving the students in the self-assessment, the teacher obtains confirmation of his or her assessments in the students’ opinion of the results found, the student exercising the role of participant in his or her own training. Self-assessment allows students to appreciate the results obtained and understand the efforts necessary to achieve the objectives set, cultivate the inner motivation towards learning and positive, responsible attitude towards their own activity.

The content of the student’s self-assessment is determined by the character and forms of assessment of the teacher’s activity, therefore the level of self-assessment of the students is different. The teacher should observe the steps of the students’ transition from the orientation for the mark to self-assessment and direct them in this direction. The training of self-assessment skills requires a persistent job from the teacher in educating students in order to determine the realistic level of requirements.

Self-assessment has the following functions: finding (what do I know well from the contents learned and what do I know less well?), mobilization (I managed to do a lot, but on that theme I still have reservations…), design (so as not to have further problems, I have to repeat the following …).

Self-correction or mutual correction is a first exercise on the path of gaining autonomy in evaluation.

The student is asked to detect some errors operatively performing learning tasks. Detection of their own or those of colleagues mistakes, even if not appreciated by marks, constitutes a first step on the road to independently awareness of the results obtained in the learning process.

As part of a check, the student is asked to give a grade. The teacher has the duty to argue and highlight the correctness or unfairness of the proposed assessments. The method of objective assessment of personality consists in training the entire class collective, in order to highlight the results obtained by the students by using as much information and appreciation. There are some questions students should ask themselves: „Is there another way  or method to solve this task?,” „Have I solved the task well enough?”, „What should I do in the next step?”

In order to train self-assessing skills in pupils it is necessary to present the objectives that students must achieve, to encourage students to ask the above questions and to give the answer in writing, to encourage evaluation within the group, to ensure a climate of teacher-student, student-student cooperation, to complete, at the end of an important task, sentences such as : 1. I learned… 2. I was surprised that… 3. I discovered that… 4. I used the method… because… 5. In carrying out this task we have encountered the following difficulties… .

Self-assessment plays a key role in the completeness of the student’s image from the point of view of the value judgment that the evaluator teacher issues and also has multiple implications in the motivational and attitudinal level due to the need of self-knowledge students. The role of self-assessment in increasing school performance depends on the teacher’s conception of the subject matter, purpose and functions of the evaluation, which is reflected in the integration of self-assessment strategies into the teaching process. Self-assessment is effective when the training programme has been well drawn up and carried out in a modern methodological conception, covering the level of knowledge, but also the capacities, skills and personality traits to be developed, when verification and appreciation are centered on competences.

School success is primarily given by an effective theoretical and practical training of the students. It is expressed by notes obtained by the students, by practical, cultural, artistic activities, by prizes obtained in the school competitions, but also by the intellectual capacities, creativity, special skills, ability to adapt school and social, self-assessment and self-exceeding.  The school performance is given by the theoretical and practical level of training of the students that reflects their consistency with the content of the programs.  The reduction of the hazard in the assessment is achieved by formulating items that allow a thorough verification of the essential knowledge and skills of the whole subject covered. The more and more diverse the criteria of appreciation, the more the possibility of discovering qualities in each of those who learn, not only shortcomings.

Self-assessment is a stimulating, motivating, non-stressful act, leading to the motivation of the evaluated one for better performance.

The success of self-assessment must be seen in the change in the student’s attitude towards evaluation and in the formation of a more accurate image of himself, not so much with the shortcomings he has, but especially with the qualities he can harness in the future.  Activation is one of the essential conditions for increasing school performance. Through self-assessment the teacher stimulates the student in his process of storing knowledge, awakens and cultivates the interest in knowledge, mobilizes the creative forces of the students, forms autonomous orientation skills in practice issues, trains the students in organizing extracurricular activity.

Self-assessment, an educational process based on involving students in judgments about their own achievements and the results of their own learning, is an important tool for boosting learning for students. Self-assessment is at the same time a valuable skill that students need in their school development, professional development and, later, lifelong learning. Through self-assessment, students can identify their gaps, weaknesses, incomplete or insufficient knowledge, observe where they need to focus their attention on learning, set realistic goals, improve their results, pursue their progress, become aware of when they can move to a new stage of learning.

The effect of self-assessment on learning is beneficial, students trained to self-assess, and not only encouraged to do so, achieve better school results than students who are evaluated only by teachers.


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prof. Luminița Melania Dîngă

Liceul Teoretic, Ghelari (Hunedoara) , România
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