About Chess, Math and Economics Accounting

Chess was originally a tool for teaching and developing thought. Over the centuries, its purpose changed and appeared only as a game, a sport, a remarkable performance. An example of how effective it is is for the dyslexic brain, what the dyslexic brain needs you to find in chess. Thus, the activity based on the processing of dyslexic information, spatial-visual stimuli and simultaneously present must be treated. At the same time, all this can be solved in system format, strategy, sequence. Another example would be the perfect complement to the experience that is lacking in digital culture. It is one of the pillars of neurological harmony, a means of developing thought.

Nowadays, chess is considered by most to be one of the fairly common forms of leisure, play and sports, but cultivated. Many people mention its four main functions: sports, game, science and art at the same time. In general, almost everyone is convinced that chess, which operates basic cognitive spiritual processes and functions, has a beneficial effect on the development of intellectual abilities, and, above all thinking that provides understanding and problem solving.

Unfortunately, the school has not seen much of the nature of chess, so far, it did not sufficiently take into account its educational and significant development power and personality modeling effect, although it has long been known. To our knowledge, three possible versions of chess school education can be distinguished. In most countries, chess school education takes the form of a professional activity, when the focus is not so much on targeted and regular teaching as on the simplest practice of chess. Less often, school chess is optional, in which case the fact of teaching and learning is more pronounced. Finally, in some countries, chess is a compulsory subject of schooling, and in this way, above all, its organized and regular education comes to the fore.

What does chess actually bring?

Honesty, consequence, self-control, situation assessment, quick judgment and decision making, sense of responsibility, competitive spirit, respect for the competitor, perseverance, self-confidence, tolerance to failures, understanding, friendship, friendship, regular and accurate work, disciplined behavior, compliance with rules, norms and laws. And what you develop: analyzing and synthesizing capacity, the talent of memory, abstract and logical thinking, the ability to share attention, productive imagination, the ability to recognize connections, the ability to recognize connections, a divergent nature of thinking, ability to concentrate, creativity, ability to abstract and generalize, sensitivity to problems, methodical and effective thinking, ability to learn.

Chess also teaches you that it is not possible to develop without the player learning, that the opponent should not be underestimated, that it is possible to get out of difficult or critical situations, that many solutions can be found to certain problems, so that the fight is not abandoned at the first failure, he said, that the resolution of the problems be resumed, that defeat be endured, that the rules must be obeyed. Chess can therefore be considered an important tool for personality development.

Examining the effects of building chess skills is not a new field. There has been research in which theory and practice have been intermingled for many years. The accumulation of skills is talent. We can define talent in many ways, but perhaps the conception that the talent is the skill developed through continuous and practical training based on the talents with which we were born, that can create performance in one or two areas of life well above average.

Typical features for talented people would be the following: They acquire new knowledge quickly and easily. They arrive early. Their performance and abilities are much higher than their age. They have a great vocabulary, start reading early, express themselves fluently and are good wizards. They are intelligent, correctly deduced, intellectually deepened, logical. They have extensive knowledge of the world, respond to several components of a situation, are socially informed. The above characteristics come from the needs that require special education. These needs are listed in the Van-Tassel list (1979) below:

The need for cognitive and affective effects corresponding to the level of complexity of thinking and emotion. The need for opportunities for divergent work. The need for work that provides insight into the relationship between the process/final product. The need to talk to those who are intellectually on the same level as them. The need for experience to help understand the human value system. Need to understand connections. The need for courses to accelerate the pace of development and allow for deepening. The need to know new parts of the curriculum. Need to apply skills to solve real problems. The need to teach critical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, decision making and leadership.

Although creativity scores are very little responsible for the variation in school tickets, it is already clear from early studies that a certain combination of creativity and intelligence can have a positive effect on outstanding school performance. Cropley in 1997 studied students who had a high degree of intelligence, as well as low creativity and outstanding values in both fields. Even though the first group achieved equally good grades, the second group steadily progressed faster in its studies. The more successful performance has been even more pronounced as the number of years spent in education has increased. Thus, we can say that above-average performance requires traditional skills (good memory, logical thinking, knowledge of facts, accuracy) and creative skills (formulation of ideas, recognition of alternative possibilities, recognition of alternative possibilities, and, the courage to do unexpected, unusual things, etc.). A lot of questions were asked. Is creativity the kind of thing that means some kind of final state of cognitive development or personality? If this is indeed the case, can anyone, in principle, reach this final state? Is creativity a different way of being and thinking? There are people who are born with such a quality first, or does it develop better in some way throughout life? Can creativity be defined as a problem solution or vice versa? Is it really a behavior that results from a special interaction of intellectual, personality and environmental factors? The most characteristic qualities of a creative person as follows: active, curious, positive self-image, self-confidence, high, nonconforming,persistent, lover of work,autonomous, characterized by a constructive critical approach and widespread interest, less critical of self.

Today, the importance of the reasons for human activity is becoming increasingly important. Motivation is a collective concept, it includes all the factors that lead to internal action and behavior. The source and cause of action is a conscious incentive for a specific action. As a teacher, it is an important task to help them make the most of themselves, despite all the difficulties. It is important to draw attention to this, because the results of serious research indicate that children who can be considered talented are, in many cases, more sensitive, sensitive, emotionally vulnerable and unbalanced than their peers. In no case can the necessary school support be missed, since we may not even recognize the talent. After all, there may be children whose above-average abilities may remain hidden due to their more introverted and inhibitory personality traits.

Knowledge and application of psychological methods for identifying talents cannot, of course, replace the experience gained from everyday teaching practice. The combined use of the two types of knowledge can help to successfully select talented children.

Chess logic education is designed to be a chess tool and a logic methodology developing logical thinking, short-term memory and long-term sensitivity to problems, analysis and imagination. It also aims to develop a systemic approach and perspective on players during the teaching learning process analytical and synthetic thinking and inductive thinking. The children must be able to evaluate and decide on situations quickly and effectively; and to bear the consequences of their decisions, developing a sense of responsibility, a spirit of competition and respect for the decisions of others . The purpose of the chess logic course is also to develop complex personalities in such a way that, to simultaneously develop the ability to focus, understanding attention, and, the ability to share attention, perseverance, correct self-esteem, self-confidence, learning motivation and creativity. They learn to endure failure, to strive for correct and disciplined work, to comply with rules, norms and laws.

As the successes of games increase children develop self-belief, thus developing self-esteem and self-confidence. This is especially important in self-confidence. The entrepreneurial spirit promoted by it can also be an effective support for other academic successes. Many people forget that chess is officially an activity to be classified as a sport, in which not the physique, but the cerebral cortex breaks down into continuous work.

One of the most beneficial factors in regular chess is that you can easily master a complex mindset. In chess, you need to keep thinking ahead, one, two or even more steps. After enough play, the human brain forces our inner instincts to bring mechanisms into every area of life we use and into chess. Spiritual development can manifest itself in many subdomains of everyday life, with chess having the strongest effect in small things. This is a baroque exaggeration and an abstract example, but an ordinary chess player will be more targeted in a mall than one who does not play. The chess player knows which department will be next after the pastries, for which it is advisable to start so that the road to checkout is the shortest. Chess is not a goal, but a tool is testified by the educators of the chess world. What skills can we gain through chess? How does chess think? How does a master think? Can this mindset make our decisions easier outside of the world of chess?

Chess is not only an excellent training ground for computer science, it also creates synergies that can be taken into the practice of life in this partnership. This may be the interaction between classical and modern media. In connection with a chess game or analysis of chess, the interaction between books, electronic media and the Internet is becoming more and more emphasized. Chess is not only an excellent training ground for computer science, but it also creates synergies that can be taken into the practice of life in this partnership. This may be the interaction between classical and modern media. In connection with a chess game or analysis of chess, the interaction between books, electronic media and the Internet is becoming more and more emphasized.

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prof. Sándor Ferenc Illés

Liceul Tehnologic Gheorghe Șincai, Tg. Mureș (Mureş) , România
Profil iTeach: iteach.ro/profesor/sandor.illes

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