The Importance of English Language Study in Romania: An Argument for the Importance of Starting Early to Learn a Second Foreign Language

Romania is one of the European countries with the highest percentage of students studying English. English is considered the international language of communication and business, and knowing it is essential both for personal development and professional success. Learning a second language is a valuable skill that can open up a world of opportunities. In today’s increasingly interconnected globe, the ability to communicate in multiple tongues is a powerful tool for both personal and professional growth.

According to research conducted by psychologists, starting early can significantly impact language acquisition. The human brain’s remarkable plasticity in childhood allows young learners to absorb and process new linguistic information with incredible speed and accuracy.

Studies have shown that children who begin learning a second language before the age of 10 are more likely to become fluent speakers. This critical window of language acquisition is a period of heightened neurological adaptability, during which the brain can form the complex networks necessary for bilingual communication with relative ease. This is because young children have a natural ability to learn multiple languages and can easily pick up new words and phrases. Their unselfconscious and immersive approach to learning, often through play and interaction, allows them to rapidly acquire the nuances of a new language.

Another intriguing finding comes from a study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania. Researchers discovered that bilingual children exhibit enhanced executive function skills, such as attention, working memory, and problem-solving. These cognitive abilities, which involve the brain’s „CEO functions,” are essential for academic success and overall well-being. The constant mental juggling act of bilingualism, as the brain switches between languages and selects the appropriate responses, appears to strengthen these executive control systems.

Furthermore, learning a second language can have cognitive benefits, such as improving memory and problem-solving skills. Bilingual individuals have been shown to outperform their monolingual peers in tasks requiring flexibility, planning, and metalinguistic awareness. It can also enhance cultural awareness and understanding, which is becoming increasingly important in today’s globalized world. Through language, we gain access to new perspectives, customs, and ways of thought, fostering empathy and bridging cultural divides.

As noted by psychologist Ellen Bialystok, „the benefits of bilingualism are not restricted to language, but rather they represent a global enhancement of cognitive functioning.” The bilingual brain, shaped by the experience of dual language use, develops a unique set of cognitive and neural advantages that extend beyond the realm of language itself.

In conclusion, starting early to learn a second foreign language is crucial for maximizing the benefits that come with bilingualism. By seizing the opportunities of early childhood, individuals can set themselves on a path toward lifelong bilingualism, reaping the cognitive, academic, and cultural rewards that accompany this remarkable skill. By doing so, individuals can improve their language skills and cognitive abilities and gain a deeper understanding of other cultures. In a world where multilingualism is the norm for millions, embracing the challenge and joy of early language learning can open doors to new horizons of personal and professional growth.


prof. Monica Iuliana Ciubotaru

Școala Gimnazială Nr. 10, Botoșani (Botoşani) , România
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