Digitized education, the key to a successful education

Digitization of education is a necessity these days to ensure successful education. Even outside the context of the pandemic, digital education has become a growing need for both teachers and students. However, the pandemic has sharpened this need and brought it to a vital level for any society and for any educational systems in the world.

Recently, there has been a major shift in how our schools approach technology. The transformation of the educational process and the evolution towards the digital school requires ensuring access to digital study tools for students and teaching staff, in an environment that allows for effective collaboration and communication between all parties involved.

Digital education assumes, on the one hand, a set of knowledge that an individual must have regarding the use of a digital system, that is, to be able to use its minimum functionalities. On the other hand, digital education often also refers to some digital methods to replace the classic methods that education has always used

in the classroom of the future, teachers and students use in detail all the functions and resources of the top equipment and technology, for active and efficient teaching-learning-evaluation processes, the emergence of easier-to-use and more accessible mobile devices and services, along with the desire to adapt education to the generation of digital children, with completely new expectations regarding the educational process, has led to a significant change in the way in which the act of learning is understood and practiced at school, instead of using technology just as an additional tool to the traditional means of teaching and learning, many schools use technology to positively influence the educational act. Moreover, instead of using it before or after classes, many teachers use technology during classes to stimulate interaction with and between students and achieve better results interactive lessons make learners want to participate actively in class. To keep up with such a generation of children and teenagers, teachers must be open to change.

Students who use digital technology to learn become less involved in the process and are more interested in developing their knowledge, perhaps without realizing it, because they are learning in an active, engaged and involved way. Because learning digital is much more interactive, easier to remember and assimilate than voluminous materials, we can say with certainty that digitization represents a mel burn context, which offers a wider perspective and activities much more attractive than traditional education methods. This helps students connect better with the study materials. Digital tools and technology offer joy to children, as well as numerous benefits in terms of the child’s cognitive development. Thus, classroom lessons are more effective, emphasizing the development of the subject through discussions and engaging in activities that encourage communication and cooperation between students. Helping children to think outside the traditional and rigid framework of learning, through digital tools and methods, stimulates their creativity and gives them a sense of confidence in their own abilities

Digital learning not only allows students to access more and more information, but they can also ensure that information is tailored to their specific needs. The ability to help each student learn in the most effective way is the most important benefit of digital learning

Digital tools and technology give teachers the chance to quickly share information with other teachers, in real time. By embracing digital devices and connected learning, classrooms around the world are enhancing their learning skills, educational experience and communication.

In conclusion, we cannot neglect the fact that this generation of children and teenagers identifies with electronic devices in the age of the Internet. For younger children, it is an attractive game, and for older, interested and motivated, it represents the source of information, the safe way to solve any problem, to learn and to be evaluated. If we can determine how to „awaken” the student’s interest in studying, then web resources appear full of benefits, advantages over traditional education


prof. Adrian Petru Codilă

Școala Gimnazială, Băuțar (Caraş-Severin) , România
Profil iTeach: iteach.ro/profesor/adrian.codila

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