How to Write a Minute after a Transnational Project Meeting of the Erasmus+ Project

In the following lines, I proposed to show a model for the elaboration of the Minute document, which is drafted/ written at the end of any transnational project meeting, within the Erasmus+ projects.

MINUTE of the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting of the Erasmus+ Project 2018-1-RO01-KA201-049106

The host organization/school: Colegiul Economic „Delta Dunării” Tulcea, ROMANIA

The meeting of representative teachers of the 4 participating schools took place with the following agenda:
1. Introduction of Romanian team & guest teams (videos, power point)
2. Visiting the host school
3. The assessment if every planned activity was correctly undertaken (debate & questionnaire)
4. Teacher’s handbook – One lesson per partner Workshops
5. Working on the Intermediate Report based on 2nd Progress Reports according the Agreement Partnerships
6. Working on the project website (material to load on it) – Workshop
7. The Conference „The first year of the Project Erasmus+ LLMCE- step by step”
8. Draft program for the 3rd Learning/ Teaching/ Training Activity – Meeting
9. eTwinning platform – Twinspace of the Project – Workshop
10. Cultural visits in the Region
11. Draft program for the 4th Transnational Project Meeting
12. Evaluation session of the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting
13. Closing Ceremony
14.  Other

Brief details:
1. Introduction of Romanian team & guest teams (videos, power point)
In the first day we have had the introduction of teachers present & involved in this transnational meeting, helped by videos, power-point and free discussions. All of us presented their country, region and school.
2. Visiting the host school – Colegiul Economic „Delta Dunării” Tulcea, ROMANIA
Since the founding in 1990 until present, “Danube Delta” Economical College has ensured the pupils instruction exclusively within the professional and vocational education.
It created a tradition of the economic education in Tulcea, being the only scholar institution with this profile in Tulcea County, the entering gate to the Danube Delta. At present, the primary domains of the professional training are: economical, tourism & catering and commerce domains.
The teachers’ team gathers around 50 persons, who teach approximately 750 students, from 14 to 19 years old, starting from the 9th grade to the 12th grade.
Besides the classrooms designated for the study of general culture objects, the specialty infrastructure is represented by general culture laboratories (Romanian Language, Math, Foreign Languages, History, Religion, Chemistry, Biology, Physics and others), cabinets for specialty culture (12 laboratories Economic, Tourism and Catering, Commerce) and school workshops for practical instruction (School Workshops: 1 School Shop, 2 serving technique laboratories, 2 culinary technology laboratories, 1 Pastry and Confectionery  laboratory, 1 Science of Commodities Cabinet), 1 Hotel – School, 1 Restaurant – School with: 1 culinary technology workshop, 2 serving technique workshops, 2 laboratories for ITC, 1 laboratory for AeL (Advanced eLearning); 4 amphitheaters, all those presented having Internet connection. Each classroom from this school is equipped with one or more computers, LCD projector and screen.
Colegiul Economic „Delta Dunării” Tulcea also has a Sports Hall and 2 modern boarding houses for accommodation.
3. The assessment if every planned activity was correctly undertaken (debate & questionnaire)
Each TEAM involved in the partnership answered to this questionnaire, who has had following questions:
– What team are you from?
– Did you sent/received the Progress Reports on time?
– If your answer is No in the previous question, please detail here.
– Did you received/sent the second Payment on time?
– If your answer is No in the previous question, please detail here.
– Until this meeting, which LTTA mobility was the best and why, from your point of view?
– Until this meeting, which TPM mobility was the best why, from your point of view?
– How did you communicate inside your team?
– Was there good communication between your team’ members?
– How did you communicate between partner schools?
– Was there good communication between partners?
– Was the budget for the mobilities (TPM & LTTA) enough?
– If your answer is No in the previous question, please detail here.
– Was there a balance between project activities & cultural activities during the mobilities?
– Have all the planned activities been completed on time?
– If relevant, please describe any difficulties you have encountered until now in managing the implementation of the project and how you and your partners handle them.
– Do you have any suggestion for improvement? If YES, mention it.

4. Teacher’s handbook – One lesson per partner Workshops
We have had discussions about the draft of the Teacher’s handbook:
INTRODUCTION (Croatian team)
Types of sustainable tourism (heritage, experiential, natural, handy crafts etc.)
Sustainable travel
Sustainable accommodations
Sustainable itinerary
Local crafts
Sustainable crafts
Adopting a tourist
European values
European citizenship
Learning about other cultures related sustainable tourism, democracy, new ideas
After that, every team presented one lesson, like a future lesson to this handbook.
Finally, we agreed with the model of Croatian Team.

5. Working on the Intermediate Report based on 2nd Progress Reports according the Agreement Partnerships
The team finished the Intermediary Report who must sent Romanian NA, ANPCDEFP.
The elements of this Report which we completed were the next:
General Information; 1. Context; 2. Project Identification; 3. Summary of participating organizations; 4. Project Management and Implementation; 5. Transnational Project Meetings; 8. Learning/Teaching/Training Activities; 9. Follow-up; 9.1. Impact; 9.2. Dissemination and Use of Projects’ Result; 10. Budget; 10.1. Budget Summary.

6. Working on the project website (material to load on it) – Workshop
All four teams contributed to the updating of the project site through suggestions, offering documents etc.

7. The Conference „The first year of the Project Erasmus+ LLMCE- step by step”
Date of the conference: Tuesday,………. Time: 14.30
Venue: Amphitheatre I, „Danube Delta” Economic College

Timing    Activity
14.30 – 14.40  Participants’ reception
14.40 – 14.50  Introducing the guests and the project members
15.00 – 15.30  Presenting the first year of the project Erasmus+ LLMCE – step by step
15.30–15.45  Coffee break
15.45 – 16.00  Feedback session
16.00 – 16.05  Closing ceremony

All conference participants received a map / file with the following: notepad, pen, badge, promotional leaflets, conference agenda. At the end, at the closing ceremony of the conference, all participants received a Certificate of participation.

8. Draft program for the 3rd Learning/ Teaching/ Training Activity – Meeting
The Title: „Creating Unconventional Tourist Packages focusing on Eco-Tourism” – PORTUGAL
AGENDA – draft proposed by Natividade FILIPE, the coordinator from Portuguese School.

Day 1  (Monday)
10h – All teams at school entrance
10h – 10h15 – Welcome by the Principal
10h 15 -10h 30 – Presentation of the School by 1st class
10h 30 – 11h – Partners’ presentations (countries + schools)
11h – 11h 30 – Visiting the school with 1st class
11h30 – 12h 30 – Icebreaking
12h 30 – 14h 15 – Lunch Time
14h 15 – 15h 30 Making Posters for the Exhibition = 1 placard per school (need 1 flag + material to 4 posters – each school)
End of activities

Day 2
8h 00 – at the Entrance
9h – Ericeira surf resort
11h – Ecotourism hotels
12h 30 – 14h 30 – visiting Obidos, one of the most important and famous medieval town in Portugal
15h – 16h 30 Buda Eden Garden

Day 3
10h – 12h 30 – Groups’ work Making ecotourism packages
12h 30 – 14h 30 – Lunch Time
14h 30 – 17h Making handcraft Christmas’ decoration
Decorating a Christmas Tree
End of Activities

Day 4
9h – at the school entrance
9h 30 – Sintra
11h – Casa da Roca
12h 30 – Lunch time in Sintra
14h – 16h 30 – Regaleira + National Palace
Return to school

Day 5
10h – 12h 30 – Finishing the group works and presentations of the final work
12h 30 – 14h 30 – Lunch time
14h 30 – 15h 30 Presentation of the President of Sintra Municipality
15h 30 – 16h Coffee Break

Day 6
10h – 11h 30 Evaluation of The Project Meeting
11h 30 – 13h 30 Farewell Party

9. eTwinning platform – Twinspace of the Project – Workshop

All four teams contributed to the updating of the Twinspace of the Project through suggestions, offering documents, etc.

10. Cultural visits in the Region
We have had some cultural visits in Region, like: Visit to Basilica Niculițel, Visit to Cocoș Monastery, Visit to the Danube Delta & Visit the Independence Monument.

11. Draft program for the 4th Transnational Project Meeting – CROATIA
• Introduction of Croatian team & guest teams (videos/power point)
• Visiting the host school
• Feedback on all activities undertaken (debate & questionnaire)
• eTwinning platform – Twinspace of the Project – Workshops
• Working on the Final Report according the Agreement Partnership (Italy, Croatia and Portugal)
• Working on the project website (material to load on it)
• Project dissemination – press conference/release
• Presentation of the final version – unconventional packages
• Presentation of the final version – Teacher’s handbook
• Monitoring of project Plans
• Reports
• Cultural visit
• Evaluation session of the 4th Transnational Project Meeting
• Closing Ceremony

12. Evaluation session of the 3rd Transnational Project Meeting
Form Questions:
– How satisfied are you with the quality of the meeting? (Not satisfied at all 1 2 3 4 5 Very satisfied)
– What new skills do you think you have improved with this meeting? (Language skills /Social skills/ Other skills/ No skills)
– Are you satisfied with the organization of this meeting? (Very satisfied/ Satisfied /Not satisfied at all)
– Was the scheduling convenient? (Yes / No)
– Was there enough time to cover the topic? (Yes / No)
– What was the most interesting activity? (Visiting of the host school, COLEGIUL ECONOMIC „DELTA DUNĂRII” TULCEA / The Workshop „Teacher’s handbook” – One lesson per partner /Working on the Intermediate Report / Workshop on the project website (material to load on it) / Workshop on eTwinning platform (Project’ Twinspace) / The CONFERENCE „The first year of the Project Erasmus+ LLMCE- step by step” / Draft program for the 3rd Learning/ Teaching/ Training Activity – Meeting in Portugal / The Closing Ceremony)
– What were the 3 most important activities? Check just 3 activities. (Visiting of the host school, COLEGIUL ECONOMIC „DELTA DUNĂRII” TULCEA / The Workshop „Teacher’s handbook” – One lesson per partner /Working on the Intermediate Report / Workshop on the project website (material to load on it) / Workshop on eTwinning platform (Project’ Twinspace) / The CONFERENCE „The first year of the Project Erasmus+ LLMCE- step by step” / Draft program for the 3rd Learning/ Teaching/ Training Activity – Meeting in Portugal / The Closing Ceremony)
– What was the most interesting cultural visit? (Visit to Basilica Niculițel / Visit to Cocoș Monastery / Visit to the Danube Delta / Visit the Independence Monument)
– Please write at least two strengths (positive aspects) of this project meeting.
– Please write at least two weaknesses (negative aspects) of this project meeting.
– Ideas for future meetings, suggestions, comments etc.

13. Closing Ceremony
The guest’s participants received the Certificates of Attendance, on the occasion of the Closing Ceremony.

14.  No other issues were mentioned

Therefore, the meeting is concluded and signed by school coordinators, today, Thursday, 24th of October, 2019, in Colegiul Economic „Delta Dunării” Tulcea, ROMANIA:

No., Name of the school,   Position, Coordinator per school, Signature:
1 Colegiul Economic „Delta Dunării” Tulcea, ROMANIA Coordinator Camelia-Domnica MOCANU
2 Escola Secundária Ferreira Dias, Agualva Sintra, PORTUGAL Partner Natividade FILIPE
3 Istituto Professionale di Stato – Servizi per l’Enogastronomia e l’Ospitalità Alberghiera – S. Savioli, Riccione, ITALY Partner Anna Maria ODDI
4 Srednja skola Hrvatski kralj Zvonimir Krk, CROATIA Partner Ana PASARIC

Place: Tulcea  Date: ………..
The host organization/school: Colegiul Economic „Delta Dunării” Tulcea, ROMANIA

The Project’ Coordinator: Colegiul Economic „Delta Dunării” Tulcea, ROMANIA
represented by Camelia-Domnica MOCANU
Function: Project’ Coordinator


This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication (communication) reflects the views only the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which be made of the information contained therein.


prof. Camelia-Domnica Mocanu

Colegiul Economic Delta Dunării, Tulcea (Tulcea) , România
Profil iTeach:

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