eTwinning Project ”Protect the Nature – The Green Corridor of Life”

eTwinning is a free online community for schools in Europe and some neighbouring countries, which allows you to find partners and collaborate on projects within a secure network and platform.

What is eTwinning for me?

eTwinning means for me and my students the open door we are looking for, a modern way to make education. eTwinning projects are an opportunity to see how other teachers work, share information, analyze, understand, experience new things.

Why an eco-project?

Preparing students as future citizens of the European Union has become a challenge and a necessity prefigured by a foreseeable future that will require them to live in a permanent state of adaptation in order to cope with insidious or rapid changes and potential opportunities.

Educating students with a consciousness and ecological behaviour becomes a particularly important requirement for any school and extra-curricular education.

The aim of environmental education and environmental protection is to develop students’ responsibility for the global environmental crisis. Ecological education calls for changing attitudes, personal and professional values, and involves not only the formation of fair behaviour towards the environment, but also the active and balanced involvement in the process of adopting environmental decisions.

Environmental education should be a permanent component of the curriculum, not a topic of discussion mentioned from time to time.
Environmental awareness is among other great themes very important to be brought to discussion in class, as the goal of language learning is communicative competence. Real life situations and meaningful communication should be the aim of classroom activities.

Our project – ”Protect the Nature – The Green Corridor of Life”

In 2016, I coordinated the project Protect the nature-the green corridor of life. The project was attended by schools from the following countries: Georgia, Greece, Turkey, Tunisia, Italy, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, North Macedonia, Serbia, Poland, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovakia. This project focuses on an ecological theme. The activities included in the project aim at forming motivating and responsible attitudes towards maintaining and improving the quality of the environment and nature conservation habits, as well as identifying the negative actions of man on nature, the danger of pollution and its effects.

The first activity of the project was to know each other. Each school made a power-point presentation. The other activities were:

  • Let’s make ecological toys!
  • Exhibition of drawings
  • My eco-town/village
  • Planting a tree, planting a flower
  • Save the Earth!!


prof. Diana Linda Rațiu

Școala Gimnazială Virgil Iovănaș, Șofronea (Arad) , România
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