Aesthetic and Arts Education

Regarding the relationship between education and art, one can notice an essential relationship; they define and complement one another: ”education was and it is defined as art, art that has, by its nature, an educational purpose”.

Man, as a rational and sensitive human being, is born with both sensory senses and reason, as well as with an aesthetic sense, the so-called common sense, in the area of which moral, intellectual, aesthetic and religious elements merge. These senses, which are thought to be inborn, must be exercised, both in the institutionalised environment and outside, in order to develop them and then transform them into valuable attitudes and behaviours.

The field of aesthetic education, from the point of view of content, encompasses the beauty of nature, society and art, and artistic education has a narrower field, targeting only the beauty of art.Artistic education is a part of aesthetic education; it deals only with the values of art and uses a methodological approach appropriate to every genre of art: literature, music, painting, sculpture, architecture, theatre and cinema.
According to the process of realization, aesthetic education takes the form of informative activities, and artistic education is carried out in a practical-applicative field.Up to a certain point, education is recommended to all students, but practice is also recommended as a specialisation only to those who manifest certain skills in the artistic area.

By appealing to the affectivity of the child, knowledge becomes more accessible, beauty being for aesthetic education both purpose and means.Beauty as a goal, resides at the basis of art education, that is, it facilitates the reception, the understanding of the artistic beauty, and beauty as a means, establishes the education through art, which aims at an initiation, a moral, intellectual and physical training, through artistic beauty. We can observe their interdependence and simultaneity, the relationship between them, underlining the fact that each of them is realised by different methods, procedures and means.

Beauty and other aesthetic values in art sensitise in the most profound way.

It is the result of the author’s creation that transforms reality, mirroring concretely what is fundamental, profound, with a strong affective participation.The artist’s feelings and emotions are transmitted in a personal manner to the subject that endorses them and engages its creative imagination; concrete thinking, emotions, feelings and will, in one word all the aspects of its personality.From this defining point of view of the aesthetic values of art, as products of the act of creation, the significance of artistic education emerges as a basic constitutive part of aesthetic education.
The importance of aesthetic and artistic education has advanced in the last years, becoming a strong and active cultural and artistic force; due to the increase of the cultural and intellectual level of the population, the need for artistic knowledge has increased, has stimulated the contact with art and has amplified the assimilation process of artistic values.


• Cucoş, C. (1998), Pedagogy, Iaşi, Polirom.
• Momanu, M., (2002), Introduction in the theory of education, Bucureşti, Polirom.


prof. Florica Coman

Grădinița cu Program Prelungit Sf.Mucenic Mina, Ploiești (Prahova) , România
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