About STEM Education

Acording to wikipedia Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), previously Science, Math, Engineering and Technology (SMET), is a term used to group together these academic disciplines. This term is typically used when addressing education policy and curriculumchoices in schools to improve competitiveness in science and technology development.

STEM has evolved exponentially in recent human history. We have gotten to a point where most of us are proficient users of technology, yet most of us don’t really understand the science behind everyday objects, such as microwaves, mobiles, tech gadgets, etc.

Teaching STEM is about using hands-on experiences, providing students with tools to unravel and enhance their potential to impact the future. STEM teaching objectives need to be adapted and updated, in order to advance STEM education and initiate problem-solving through science.

The courses offered by the www.europeanschoolnetacademy.eu platform are of extraordinary quality. Both the facilitators and the materials made available to the trainees are of the last hour and with immediate applicability.

Below you have a lesson plan that combines the concepts of mathematics, science and technology about RATIOS.

Before the activity (5 min):
I propose to students the following problem:
To prepare the sweetness of the fruit, take 5 𝑘𝑔 of fruit to 10 𝑘𝑔 of sugar.
– How will we calculate the ratio of fruit and sugar?
– What is the value of this ratio?

Presentation of theoretical notions (10 min)
I define the notion of ratios using the following video:

Practical applications  (25 min)
Students will work on groups to solve tasks.

GEOGRAPHY. The scale of a map
The scale of a map is the ratio of the distance to the map and the actual distance (on the field).
The scale = 1/800 000
1 cm (on map)…………………800 000 cm (on the field)
Lm/Lf=1/800 000
Watch this video (how to calculate the scale map):

Task1. Working on the map of Europe, calculate the real distance between Budapest and Vienna.

CHEMISTRY. The title of an alloy.
It is the ratio of the precious metal mass to the total mass of the alloy.
Task2. Mix 20g of gold with 160g of copper. What is the title of the alloy?

CHEMISTRY. Concentration.
It is the ratio between the mass of the substance that dissolves and the mass of the solution.
Task3. 5g of salt were dissolved in water, obtaining 200g of the solution. Find the concentration of the solution.

PHYSICS. Speed of movement.
In physics we have the following formula: v=d/t
v- the movement speed (meter / seconds)
d – distance (meter)
t – time (seconds)
Task4. A person has travelled 6 Km in 2 hours. What is the speed of movement for that person?

Presentation of the results (5 min)
Students will present the solutions to proposed tasks on the board.

Discussions and Homework (5min)
Answers to any questions, things that were not clear!

1. Working on the map of Europe, calculate the real distance between Hanovra and Belgrad.
2. The mass of an alloy is 1500g and the alloy’s title is 0.256. Determine the amount of silver in the alloy.
3. The concentration of a solution is 14/100. What amount of salt is found in 1.70 tons of solution?

Training course „STEM Is Everywhere!”


prof. Daniela Grecu

Liceul Matei Basarab, Craiova (Dolj) , România
Profil iTeach: iteach.ro/profesor/daniela.grecu

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