Presentation of the Project “Beautiful Book, It Is an Honour to Read You!”

The book is a trusted friend. She lives with you, does not judge you, and is always ready to offer you generously from her treasure of wisdom, which has been gathered with diligence over time. Wars, disasters or epidemics could not extinguish his light. It has passed through the centuries, being the silent witness of the passage of man through the world, with defeats and sufferings, with victories and joys, and nowadays the most important source of culture, even the television and the computer, in their different forms, make a fierce competition.

The life of books is closely linked to human destiny. As long as he exists on earth, books will be the „boundaries” that will delineate a space for meaning-seeking, inner balance and the courage to dream of a better world, so the wisest thing is to learn its language of friendship.

The purpose of the project “Beautiful Book, It Is an Honour to Read You!”, at the macro level: to affirm the need of today’s society, excessively digitized to return to its classic values, propagated through printed books, to crystallize its own identity. At the micro level: solving the crisis of cultural identity of the school population that no longer satisfies by reading the need for intellectual, moral and emotional accomplishment.

The objectives are focused on developing competences for assimilating information and presenting it in a creative way: developing love for reading, stimulating children’s expressiveness and creativity, cultivating children’s artistic sensitivity, discovering and developing plastic skills, capitalizing on the positive experience of teachers in reading approach.

The expected and confirmed results by the number of participants and the products made were analyzed on several levels: at the individual level: producing attitudinal and behavioral changes towards the book culture, as a means of education and self-education, materialized in the increase of the number of readers by 30% , and 50% borrowed books. At the level of the school institution: an increased number of students enrolled in the database of the school library, as active readers. At the community level: capitalizing on examples of good practice for creating a book culture as a means of education.

The activities carried out over the course of five years were varied and acted in a convergent direction to encourage students to read more, to love and to appreciate any book, to be more creative and enterprising. It acted on three major directions that reflected the main stages of creation: information assimilation, reformulation of information and creation of an original product based on assimilated information.

Project activities:
a. Sport by the book – sports competition. Individual/ group: organize sports competitions and then presents them in a journal (Journals, books, newspapers presenting images and information about team names, composition, values and results). Any kind of sports competitions can be organized.
b. My school is different – poster competition. Individual/ group: realize posters with the most successful activities carried out within the program „A different School” – “Scoala Altfel” (Poster size A3). All the specific elements of a poster will be included.
c. Winter story – essay contest. Individual: compose a story or tell a true story, related to the winter season (Essays, stories, stories). The material must respect the given theme.
d. My friend, the book – book illustrations contest. Individual/ group: makes books by different means of expression to illustrate the stories read (Exhibition with the most successful books made by different techniques – drawing, painting, collage). Not accepted copy pages or cropped photos from other books.
e. From the tip of the pen – poetry contest. Individual: compose a poem to illustrate the reading read (Poetry collection). Check the theme of the poems – Each year a new theme is chosen.
f. Childhood Adventures – 3D model exhibition. Individual: Make 3d models in the most original way to illustrate the reading (3d model exhibition).  The books read will be illustrated.

Each activity has the potential to be sustained in the future by its own means and with the help of our partners. After the completion of the project, the proposed activities will continue to be carried out and, some of them – the contests, the thematic exhibitions – extended at the county and national level. By this we aim to expand the area of direct and indirect beneficiaries who, in their turn, can apply positive examples in the communities from which they come.

Estimated impact: Students will be encouraged to read more, to love and cherish any book, to be more creative and enterprising. The teachers will be removed from the daily routine and engaged in activities that will positively affect the instructional-educational activity. The local authorities directly involved in the activities will be more sensitive to the needs of the school, which is built on respect for the culture book. The local community will change their perception of the school, seeing it, (more than an arid teaching provider), as an establishment of culture.


prof. Luminița Tomuța

Școala Gimnazială Nr. 7 Sfânta Maria, Timișoara (Timiş) , România
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