Benefits of Carrying out European Projects in Colegiul Economic ”Octav Onicescu”, Botosani

Activities of formal education within the European space have paramount importance because they provide the opportunity to improve teachers’  and students’ competent in a multicultural environment. The purpose of these projects is to increase the quality of education, by making the transition to a European mentality. In fact, the very motto of the European Union, ”Unity in Diversity”, shows that the Europeans got united to promote peace and prosperity, willing to open their hearts to the cultures, traditions, benefits and languages of other people.

The teacher is no longer only a source of information in a particular area, he must, at the same time, provide the students with genuine learning experiences. Developing projects, the teaching personnel acquire a series of competences, attitudes and behaviours related to the use of innovative elements in the teaching-learning process, to the awareness of cultural diversity as part of the European identity, to promoting the circulation of good practices.

Such projects take place at Colegiul Economic “Octav Onicescu” Botosani every year. They increase the prestige of our school, and create a more modern, more dynamic environment, at the same time more open to integrating good practices and new methods in daily activities, We can offer, for the current academic year, tho examples of very important projects, precisely: The JOBS Project (Professional-Orientation in school and companies ) and the SES Project  (Senior Expert Services-Germany).

The Project JOBS is financed by the Swiss Lottery Fund, by the Swiss Federal Council and by the Romanian Government; it has been developed by the Center of International Projects in the Field of Education of the Pedagogic University in Zurich, the University of Education and Research and the National Center of Development of Technical and Professional Education.

The JOB’s objective is to train students into acquiring competences and abilities useful in life into getting a realistic perception on the opportunities on the labour market and into making a decision concerning their future education and professional career. This is done by introducing a new trans curricular approach, by using adequate teaching-learning methods (task-based learning) and with to help of a range of seven students text books. In addition, JOBS offers the needed aid to teachers by trainings, mentorship and constant updating information, by means of s distance learning platform.

The Project of Assistance Senior Service  Expert – Germany, took place betheen 16 2000-2016.  In 2016 it is the fourth partenership we have had with SES. SES is a German foundation set up in 2003. Some of its sponsors are: The German Patronates Federation, The German Federation of Industrial Associations, The German Room of Commerce and Industries, The German Confederation of Craft. The mission of SES is to draw on the German senior experts’ competences in order to promote the economic development of the countries in course of development. SES is an organisation financed by the German Government, which gives assistance to develop through their over 10. 000 experts in various fields of activity.

The program’s objective aimed at increasing the quality of school education, by introducing new learning methods and techniques, in the domain of tourism and catering. The emphasis have been laid on practical activities, new work methods have been demonstrated and aspects of International gastronomy have been highlighted.


prof. Cristina Mariana Andrei

Colegiul Economic Octav Onicescu, Botoșani (Botoşani) , România
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