Giving Effective Feedback

Feedback is a pivotal part of the teaching process. Whether it be verbal or written, we are immersed in the act of giving and receiving some form of feedback every day and in every lesson. In each academic year, students will receive feedback based on evidence interpreted by teachers from hundreds of assignments, assessments, practice exams, questioning and classroom activities.

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Stadiul de vârstă al preșcolarității

În cadrul psihologiei vârstelor, scopul acestui domeniu este de a analiza atât dezvoltările cât și stagnările psihice, biologice, relaționale de la debutul vieții și până la încheierea acesteia. Studierea vieții umane este necesară în toate domeniile ce au ca scop evoluția omului: medicină, pedagogie, psihologie, sociologie etc., aceasta prevenind ”incidentele negative, stoparea dezadaptărilor și vindecarea structurilor somatice și psihice care împiedică dezvoltarea umană” (Verza, 2017). Fiecare stadiu se remarcă printr-un progres față de cel anterior.

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Les projets eTwinning – vecteur de communication interculturelle

La pédagogie par projet est un modèle d’enseignement qui crée des conditions favorables pour donner du sens aux apprentissages. Cette approche permet aux apprenants de développer des savoir-faire et des compétences en s’investissant dans la résolution d’un problème ou d’un défi authentique. Comme le projet est le plus souvent collectif, ce modèle d’enseignement encourage la communication et la collaboration entre les apprenants ainsi que leur autonomie. De plus, la pédagogie par projet est constamment citée parmi les multiples méthodes susceptibles d’améliorer la motivation des élèves. L’intérêt pour cette pédagogie par projet s’appuie également sur ses nombreux bénéfices: un recours aux technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC), une aventure au-delà des disciplines, une mobilisation des compétences transversales des apprenants.

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Activități nonformale pentru o educație de calitate la Școala Gimnazială Carmen Sylva, comuna Horia

Proiectul ZEST 4 EDU, finanțat prin Granturile SEE și Norvegiene, 2014-2021, a asigurat, în cadrul Activității A.4.2, desfășurarea de activităţi de educaţie non-formală cu grupul ţintă, ce au vizat dezvoltarea educației pentru cetățenie activă şi a educației antreprenoriale. Punctul de plecare în acest demers educațional interesant a pus accent pe modul atractiv, dinamic, modern de predare și învățare, centrat pe situațiile din prezent, mai mult decât pe înțelegerea evoluției istorice a sistemelor, elevii fiind încurajați să participe activ, fiind provocați să observe, să înțeleagă, să analizeze și să utilizeze gândirea critică în vederea validării informaţiei.

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Motivation, Learner Autonomy and Technology in Language Teaching and Learning

One of goals of many teachers is that their students become autonomous learners. According to Stockwell (2013) there are two kinds of motivations that may shape why language learners engage with a particular technology: (a) an inherent interest in the technology, which then leads to discovering its benefits for language learning and to strengthening language learning motivation; (b) a strong motivation for language learning, prompting interest in a particular technology that can support and enhance this process.

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The Joy of Arts and Crafts – A Hands-on EFL Teaching Experience

Wright (2002) defines art as a fundamental aspect of human behaviour which involves intellectual as well as emotional exploration, expression and communication.  In other words, It is a reflection of the world around us. Besides the linguistic or the visual elements, we can see mathematical concepts in arts (shapes, patterns, etc.) and we interact with nature as well. Dance and music embed interpersonal relationships. By being an expression of the self, art is possibly the perfect intrapersonal activity.

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Clișee didactice care blochează o practică didactică inovativă

Practicile educaționale pot fi ameliorate doar dacă profesorul este capabil să creeze un demers eficient și interactiv, să  se implice în procesul de educație, să aibă capacitatea de a se adapta la noile cerințe educative, să depășească stereotipurile și clișeele preluate dintr-o perioadă mai veche a învățământului.

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Affect, Cooperation and Humour in the EFL Holistic Classroom

Teachers who have difficulties controlling their emotions and their classrooms tend to have students who experience more negative emotions such as shame, sadness and guilt. EI (Emotional Intelligence) skills (or, more exactly, the lack of them) seem to be one of the roots of these problems. That is why the training of teachers’ emotional skills becomes vital for creating a more stable, supportive and productive learning environment – one that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement and academic achievement among students.

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Smart Schools – Principles and Vision

In a rapidly changing world, where schools are expected to serve the multiple needs of every learner, the limitations of educational institutions are quite overwhelming. Children come to school fragmented and we unconsciously continue this fragmentation. But if our vision is one of a whole child, our mission is to embrace a holistic approach that fully involves students. In other words, we need to create “smart schools”, in which a variety of skills and abilities can be used to learn and solve problems.

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