”Jobs and study opportunities in Europe” for our students (Erasmus+ project)

“Job and study opportunities in Europe” is an Erasmus+ project that made it possible for students from Turkey, Italy, Portugal, Poland and Romania to recognize the opportunities for employment and education outside their home countries and to know how to benefit from these opportunities.

Many young people in Europe today think that they will be unemployed after finishing their schools and therefore there is a lack of motivation to continue their education and even early school leaving happens. There are many job, training and educational opportunities within the European Union.

However, students are not aware of these opportunities and do not know how to benefit from these opportunities. Within the scope of the project, students gained competence in terms of social, intercultural and linguistic, methodical and IT technologies in order to find and benefit from the opportunities of employment and education in Europe outside their home countries.

The project was for about 4500 students and 300 teachers and other educational staff in the project partners schools. The project lasted 30 months. During the project period, one-week project meetings were organized in each country with project partners. Four students and two teachers from each project partner school participated in these activities. Each country visit had a theme and activities were organized according to this theme.

Local companies were visited at each meeting and work was done on the activities of companies. Students and teachers also visited with universities, business centers and chambers of commerce to gather information on the work and labor market. Students learned about education systems, accommodation, food culture, working status and working opportunities and training opportunities in each country.

As a result, students had time to make up their mind regarding the professional fields they want to follow, understood their strengths and weaknesses, understood the differences between cultures, and all these will help them find jobs in partner countries, benefit from higher education programs in the partner countries and be aware of the needs of companies in project partner countries. They will also be able to access job offers at project partner schools, develop their English language skills, know the professions needed in the partner countries, will be able to fill in a good CV and apply for jobs and education in EU.


prof. Aurelia Cucu

Colegiul de Industrie Alimentară Elena Doamna, Galați (Galaţi) , România
Profil iTeach: iteach.ro/profesor/aurelia.cucu

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