Gherghestean Soul Blooming in the European Space

For years, there has been talk of European integration. Throughout the media, we are struggling with all the problems of society that we hope to solve with this integration into Europe.

In the entire Romanian society, special efforts are made for this integration: projects for the rehabilitation of roads, educational and sanitary units are being carried out, specialization courses are organized in different fields, in order to get professionals who can meet the European demands.

But in all this move to Europe, we must not forget our Romanian traditions that express our national identity itself. We must know our doctrines, respect them with holiness, and make them known to the next generations. The elements of folklore that students are familiar with within this helper are simultaneously beautiful notions. The decipherment of the elements of folk language awakens students’ interest in folk art in general, develops their ability to decode the message of the artwork, and creates judgments of taste and artistic value.

A deeper knowledge and a closer observation of the folklore by the „little beautiful seekers” will contribute more effectively to their aesthetic education, will ensure the connection with the land they live with, the local traditions, the people and its art .

Knowing the folk treasure, preserving and transmitting it is our duty to keep alive the specifics of our village.

Hora is the simbol of the solar star, is the dance of the life, the light and the joy.
Hora is one of the ancient romanian dance , proof are the ancients rituals of the village: the dance of the bride.
The dance of the bride is the beginning of the life with two.
HOW TO DANCE: The formation is a closed circle.
– The hold in HORA has the hands joined at shoulder height and held slightly forward.
– Mostly these dances progress to the right, often with a diagonal forward and back path.
– Two steps to right and one step to left.
– The girl  rotate  from right to left.
– The boy move the hands.

That is the traditional peasant shoes, made from pig skin.

The women folk costume
One main characteristic of the Romanian folk costumes is the predilection for white. Women have white blouses, white skirts, white scarves, even white coats.
The shirt: 
The shirt is very richly adorned. The  chest and the sleeves are decorated with float embroideries, with vertical or oblique dots.The most used ornaments are black squares filled with red or geen.The sleeve finishes with a bracelet, embroidered in the same colors.
The skirt: 
The peasant women’s skirt is woven of black (red) wool adorned depending on the activity where the women participate.For the normal days the women wear one black and simple peasant skirt.     For the special occasions the women put on striped dress with stripes  on the sides.  The big silver stripes are decorated with very thin pink, red or blue stripes .
The kerchief: 
The kerchief is put on hair .It is very  decorated with red or yellow  flowers.
The vest: 
The vest is very richly adorned with  red flowers, the vertical, orizontal and oblique lines. It has the black margine.

The men folk costume
Men’s  Folk Costume consists of  a white, large, mid-thigh length shirt; a pair of white trousers, and belt.
The  shirt: 
The shirt has two large sleeves, with rich ornaments at the nech, on the chest, at the joint of the shoulder and the on the down part of the sleeves. The embroidery is made with wool or with cotton threads.     The decorative motif is a zigzag dash. It torms triangles, which are alternatively filled with red or blue embroidery.The belt , which has different sizes and color, is woven of wool.
The trousers: 
The trousers are white, tight  in  the lower  part  and  they are made of wool.
The waistcoat: 
The man also wears a waiscoat, ornamented with the same models as the shirt.

prof. Ramona-Lenuța Stoica

Școala Gherghești (Vaslui) , România
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